Reiki+level+2, Reiki - dokumenty

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Usui Reiki
Level Two Manual
This is a simple practical manual for Usui Reiki Level 2
The Reiki second degree training and attunement
focuses on more specifically directed use of the Reiki
energy, particularly mental emotional healing and
remote healing , and are given more tools for working
with other people and for the world community.
Just for today, I will not anger, I will not
worry, I will do my work honestly will be
kind to all people and I will be
appreciative of my many blessings .
This is a version of the Meiji Emperor's precepts
which were adopted by Usui Sensei and are known
as the Reiki principles. Usui Sensei hoped that all
Reiki practitioners would spend a few moments each
morning and evening to reflect on these precepts.
People who do this may find that it becomes easier to
live up to them and have a happier more balanced life.
Obtain permission before treating anyone
Never attempt to Force healing on anyone. You are not the one who is to decide
what is in the best interest of another. It can be a temptation particularly when
dealing with addictions to attempt to impose your will on another.
Never promise a healing or cure this is not in your control. People have the right to
choose whether or not to accept healing even someone who comes to you for
treatment may refuse to accept healing energy.
Never diagnose, do not give medical instructions and never suggest that anyone
discontinue medications or other treatment.
Respect your client's confidentiality. Do not repeat anything you learn during a
treatment either from the client or from your intuitive perceptions.
When using examples and case histories make sure that the parties involved
cannot be identified.
Being a Reiki Practitioner does not give you any particular spiritual merit. People
might on occasion try to make you a Guru. You might even get over impressed with
yourself but remember that when you see dramatic effects from treatment it is not
because of your personal merit its because of Reiki.
Energy should not be directed indiscriminately. Send energy for the highest good
of all concerned. Allow it to be used by the high self of the recipient for their
greatest good. When directing energy, ask the person first if they want a treatment
or go within and ask their higher self. Use your intuition. If the Reiki is not
accepted by the recipient it will return to you. Some people send Reiki while
holding an intention that if the intended recipient wants it they can invite it in at the
time convenient to them and it will be there for that person. Never assume that
another being wishes to be healed, even if they say that they do. Don't intend to
heal a person; just allow the energy to work. Don't judge the effectiveness, the
energy is working. Results may not be obvious immediately. Reiki energy continues
to work long after the actual treatment is finished.
Honour the energy, yourself, the intention and the
recipient for the work performed. Where awareness is
focused, energy is concentrated.
Most students find that it becomes much easier to
memorize and draw the symbols after they have been
attuned to Reiki than it is before the attunement.
Focus or Power
cho koo ray
) is the Usui power boost mantra and symbol to increase the effect of
Reiki . This function is said to call in higher universal energy and accelerates Reiki
from low to high and gives greater focus to the energy. Power boost is used with
the other energies as well as by itself during all treatments hands on or distance.
This energy has been used to clear rooms and crystals and to charge food and
water, and in manifestation procedures. This symbol has been used as a sort of
Good Luck charm or "blessing pump" and as a protective sign. The symbol shown
is with the counter clockwise spiral which is the traditional direction
symbol can help start Reiki flowing or give it a feeling of being
more finely tuned or powerful. Most practitioners use it at the beginning of
sessions by drawing it on the palms of their hands.
Some meanings of this symbol are:
Sound -
Choku Ray
First Symbol
- The earth - Power up - 1st and 2nd Chakra.
Relation with people - the earth has been producing,
growing, and purifying, giving creative energy to everything.
Human bodies have the earth's intention and rhythm built in.
Imbalance in it will cause one to develop disease or
Functions - Activates the intrinsic functions of everything
born on earth by recovering its rhythm and balance, through
resonation with the earth's conscious energy.
This Reiki function is used for Activating and
Enhancing Energy, focusing, stabilizing and fixing
the energy. Clearing and cleansing, recharging and
revitalizing and general healing and used for improving
the physical or material energy state.
The first symbol
is often called Focus or Power
symbol or Booster. The
is sometimes
nicknamed "the light switch" as it connects us to the
energy, like a light switch being turned on. It is thought
to turn up the energy, and opens us as channels of
the Reiki energy. . It can help overcome negative
resistance patterns. It can help reduce pain.
It is also used in space clearing. To cleanse a room, Draw it or visualize it in the
corners or on the walls, floor and ceiling of a room intending it be cleansed and
filled with love and compassion energies . Mentally throw it into the room intending
it be filled with light. Many people do this in the treatment area and before doing
treatments or Attunements.
Draw it on objects in your environment intending they
be cleansed and operate for your highest good. Draw
it on objects and run Reiki into them to charge them
with Reiki.
can be used in as many ways
as you can think up.
You can use the
at the start of a healing session to feel
the energetic connection to the Reiki source.
You can use it to focus power at each hand position and on any
problem areas. You could draw it over the person at the end of a
healing session to seal and stabilize the healing.
Some people also use it for protection. For
protection, draw it on a piece of paper and place it on
or under things you want filled with Reiki or mentally
visualize or invoke it. You can visualize or imagine the
Symbol surrounding you. Draw the symbol in front
and in back over and on both sides of yourself. Draw
it over food and water before you eat and drink. You
can also visualize or draw it over your head before
meditation or meditate on the symbols themselves.
Draw the
on the shower head prior to
taking a shower so that the water is filled with Reiki as
it cleanses you. Run Reiki into your bath water.
To use for manifestation you can activate
and clearly visualize what you intend to
manifest while running Reiki. This will not bring you
things that are not in accord with your high self and
soul purpose. Experiment!
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