Reiki Master Manual, Reiki - dokumenty

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Table of contents
Congratulations, remember life’s strange tapestry – The
old saying goes “You’ll be led too and given what you
need at the right time on your journey without knowing it”
how so true….
sole purpose
of this document is to remove some of
the so-called secrecy around the different levels of the
Reiki initiations.
It is
designed to give you all the specific healing
positions and where or how to lay your hands etc. as that
can easily be gained from the
Reiki material
available on the Internet or at your local bookstore, No…
what you will receive are the Reiki secrets(please refer to
the Appendices for book referrals..)
The Reiki Secrets will simply explain what and how the
“secret” initiations are passed down to the initiate during a
typical attunement being carried out, these being the Reiki
first, second or Master degree courses.
The main thing is …..
Remember Reiki is a
of the
, throughout the
tapestry of time this magical healing art has been freely
available to those who can tap into these boundless
source of energy, unfortunately humanity over time had
lost or forgotten this loving energy that was available until
the “key” to the energies was discovered by a Japanese
monk named Dr Mikao Usui. This has been passed down
the linage usually being referred to as “Usui Reiki”.
These secret “keys” which are used to initiate a student at
each Reiki initiation, are a series of certain patterns that
 one performs around oneself or somebody else to
permanently “open the door” to these energies.
These keys are meant for the
of humanity not just
the select few.
This e-book has been designed to allow any individual
from any country with no previous or little Reiki experience
to attune themselves and others into the healing art of
Reiki right up to Master level and beyond.
This document will help you equip yourself and others with
these marvellous Reiki healing energies.
Reiki (pronounced Rei-Ki) is one of the most ancient
healing arts known to mankind. It originated in Tibet and
was recently discover by Dr. Mikau Usui in the early
nineteenth century and the “secret keys” to this universal
energy has been passed down every since.
The actually meaning of Rei-Ki is split into two parts where
“Rei” universal, cosmic life force and “Ki” the flowing life-
force that binds everything, some know this as Chi, Prana
or simply bio-energy etc.. What ever you call it really does
n’t matter you can still tune into it and receive the benefits
associated with Reiki.
If you are the person who
purchased this e-
book then you Have been already attuned up through the
stages to a
Reiki Master
Seichim Master
be myself) with no doubt.(I’ll explain later how this was
achieved – see the following
More importantly
can now also attune others up
through the different Reiki initiations right up through
Master level and beyond (beyond being also attuning
them into the Egyptian healing art of Seichim ). Its entirely
up to you whether you charge them a small fee for each
Reiki initiation – remember people don’t usually value
they get for free, remember this wisely.
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