RasPi Magazine 07, Raspberry PI, RasPI - Magazyn 2015

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//-->ESIGNDBUILDCODE7Get hands-on with your Raspberry PiRASPBERRY PISLO-MOVIDEOExclusive:Announcing thePLUSEverythingyou need toknowWelcomeThat’s right – the Raspberry Pi 2has arrived! We go behind thescenes at Pi Towers and speakto Pi 2 creators Eben Upton andJames Adams, who reveal everything youneed to know about this powerful new boardand give us the exclusive on some upcomingadd-ons. And as usual, we’ve got plenty ofprojects for you to get stuck into as well –we’re taking a good look at servers this time.From a simple file server designed to keepyour private files out of third-party cloud siloslike Dropbox or something more ambitious,like a VoIP server to enable a building fullof people to phone each other over a localnetwork, your Raspberry Pi is perfectly suitedfor the job. Have fun setting up!Get inspiredDiscover the RasPicommunity’s best projectsExpert adviceGot a question? Get in touchand we’ll give you a handEasy-to-followguidesLearn to make and codegadgets with Raspberry PiDeputy EditorFrom the makers ofJoin the conversation at…Raspberry Pi 2It’s here! Get the inside story on the new boardBrowse privately with Onion PiTurn your Pi into a secure portable routerPi2D2Meet the hacked R2D2 robot with a Pi brainMake a complete media centreSet up your Pi HTPC and connect to it remotelyBuild a VoIP serverMake phone calls over your networkSet up a file serverMake a personal cloud to safely share your contentRecord slow-motion videoSlow down your shoots to 33% speedRaspberry Pi 2The Raspberry Pi 2 is here! We speak to Eben Upton andJames Adams to get the inside story on the Pi 2 and theRaspberry Pi Foundation’s 2015 plansAnnouncing the...“Westill want the desktop.Linus wants the desktopand we want to helphim get it”Six times more powerful. That’s one of thefirst things that we heard about the RaspberryPi 2 and that alone was enough to get usloading the car for a road trip to Cambridge – that andthe name itself. We had been half-expecting a Model Cto arrive at some point early this year, but a Pi 2 – whatwould warrant the 2? As it turns out, the Raspberry Pi wasupgraded with a mighty new processor: the BCM2836.Arriving at Pi Towers to learn more, we met Liz Upton,head of communications at the Raspberry Pi Foundation,and within minutes we were introduced to the engineeringteam and on the guided tour, surrounded by prototypeboards, 3D printers hooked up to Raspberry Pis, desksstrewn with resistor strips and Rubik’s cubes, massiveoscilloscopes and all manner of delightful gadgetry.AboveWe left out thepart of the interviewwhere Eben pausedfor a few minutes toread aLinux User &Developerreview… [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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