RAND RB9468Military Reenlistment and Deployment During the War on Terrorism, Różne dokumenty o SM

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Research Brief
were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan
between 2002 and 2007, many of them
more than once. Deployments often
result in personal and work-related stress due
to family separation, long working hours, and
uncertain schedules. Upon returning home, many
service members endure mental and emotional
strain as they readapt to civilian and family life.
Despite these multiple pressures, reenlist-
ment rates have remained stable. At the request
of the O ce of the Secretary of Defense, RAND
researchers sought to determine (1) the e ects of
deployment on service members’ decisions to reenlist
and (2) whether such factors as bonus pay and num-
ber of months deployed a ect reenlistment rates.
Drawing on recent literature, 10 Status of
Forces Surveys of Active Duty Personnel admin-
istered between 2002 and 2007, and administra-
tive data from personnel and pay les, R AND
researchers developed statistical models of how
deployed time and bonuses have in uenced ser-
vice members’ willingness to stay in the military.
e ndings help address concerns about the
long-term e ects on reenlistment resulting from
increased deployments in support of ongoing
military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In response to concerns about the ability of the
military services to sustain required force levels,
a RAND study examined deployment trends
and developed a theoretical model to assess the
effects of personal and work stress, bonus pay,
and cumulative number of months of deploy-
ment on intention to reenlist and actual reenlist-
ment rates. A review of recent literature and
an analysis of survey and administrative data
show that the amount of deployment time had
the largest impact on reenlistment, with negative
effects for soldiers and marines with the highest
cumulative months of deployment.
This product is part of the
RAND Corporation research
brief series. RAND research
briefs present policy-oriented
summaries of published,
peer-reviewed documents.
e frequency and duration of deployments
have increased signi cantly during the global war
on terrorism. Prior to September 11, 2001, fewer
than 50,000 personnel were receiving hostile- re
pay each month; by 2007, this number had risen
to 200,000. Reenlistment remained stable overall,
but a detailed statistical examination of rst- and
second-term decisions made both before and dur-
ing the global war on terrorism (i.e., 1996–2001
versus 2002–2007) reveals that the increase in
deployment has a ected the services di erently.
Analysis of the survey data indicates that sur-
vey respondents who had a deployment involving
hostile duty in the year prior to the survey experi-
enced higher-than-usual work stress and higher-
than-usual personal stress. ey also reported a
lower intention to stay in the military.
However, the lower intention to stay was not
borne out by analysis of actual reenlistment. Using
hostile deployment in the year before a reenlist-
ment decision as an indicator, the study found that
the Air Force and Navy experienced no real e ect
on rst-term reenlistment numbers, and the same
Long Deployments in a Hostile
Environment Can Negatively Affect
Studies show that having some deployment experi-
ence typically has a positive e ect on reenlistment.
While the high pace of military operations can
increase personnel’s stress levels, service members
generally appreciate the opportunity to engage
their skills and training in meaningful ways.
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See, for example, James Hosek, Jennifer Kavanagh, and Laura
How Deployments A ect Service Members
, Santa Monica,
Calif.: RAND Corporation, MG-432-RC, 2006,
Military Reenlistment and Deployment During the
War on Terrorism
ore than 1.5 million military personnel
 was true of the Marine Corps until 2005–2007, when the e ect
of deployment was positive. Deployment had a positive but
decreasing e ect on Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps second-
term reenlistments through 2003, when the e ect neared zero,
but it then rebounded and was positive in 2004–2007.
e Army’s trends were di erent, however. e e ect of
deployment on Army reenlistment had been positive before
2002 and during the rst few years of the operations in Iraq
and Afghanistan, but the e ect decreased after 2002 and turned
negative in 2006. e pattern was similar for second-term reen-
listment, as shown in the gure. e estimate for 2006 shows
that hostile deployment in the previous 12 months reduced
reenlistment by eight percentage points—a large decrease.
Further analysis of the Army experience revealed that the
e ect of deployment depended on the soldier’s total months of
deployment in the three years prior to reenlistment. Having
between one and 11 total months of deployment had a positive
e ect on reenlistment, whereas having 12 or more months of
deployment had a negative e ect. By 2006, two-thirds of the
soldiers at reenlistment had 12 or more total months of deploy-
ment. e combination of the negative e ect of deployment
on reenlistment for this group and the high number of soldiers
who fell into this group produced an overall negative e ect of
deployment on reenlistment in 2006.
Like the Army, the Marine Corps experienced an increase
in deployments during 2002–2007, and, in fact, marines had
more episodes of deployment than did soldiers. Long periods
of deployment also had a negative e ect on marine reen-
listment, but marine deployments were shorter than Army
deployments. In contrast to the Army, the e ect of deployment
on marine reenlistment was positive and increasing after 2003.
Trends in the Effect of Deployment on Reenlistment
First term
Second term
2000 2002
Year of reenlistment decision
NOTE: The estimated effect is the percentage-point difference in the proba-
bility of reenlisting between soldiers with any hostile deployment in the prior
12 months and comparable soldiers with no hostile deployment in that period.
e Army’s extended use of reenlistment bonuses helped to
o set the decreasing and (by 2006) negative e ect of deploy-
ments on reenlistment for both rst- and second-term personnel.
Policy Implications
e study found that, compared to having no deployment,
soldiers and marines with 12 or more months of deployment
in the three years before reenlistment were less likely to reenlist,
and those with less than 12 months of deployment were more
likely to reenlist. is suggests that, to the extent that it is
possible to do so while accomplishing a mission, the services
should limit individual deployment to no more than 12 months
in a period of 36 months.
Bonuses were valuable in sustaining retention in the face
of heavy deployments. is indicates the value of bonuses as a
compensation tool and underscores the importance of allowing
rapid changes to bonus budgets from year to year, as well as ex-
ibility to reprogram funds to bonus accounts within a scal year.
Deployments have an overall positive e ect on reenlist-
ment. However, concerns about the mental health of service
members who are deployed to hostile locations, especially
those deployed for long periods, suggests the importance
of monitoring and studying their subsequent performance,
behavior, and support needs. is includes the many service
members with some exposure to combat who return with
sub-threshold symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Reenlistment Bonuses Can Offset Some Negative
Aspects of Lengthy Deployments
One way in which the U.S. Department of Defense has
sought to increase retention is through the expanded use and
increased generosity of reenlistment bonuses. More than any
other service, the Army increased the number of occupations
eligible for a bonus as well as the dollar amount of bonuses,
raising the number of reenlisting soldiers who received a
bonus from 15 percent in 2003–2004 to nearly 80 percent
in 2005–2007; in that same period, the average value of
bonuses increased by more than 50 percent.
This research brief describes work done for the National Defense Research Institute documented in
How Have Deployments During
the War on Terrorism Affected Reenlistment?
by James Hosek and Francisco Martorell, MG-873-OSD, 2009, 172 pp., $41, ISBN:
978-0-8330-4733-5 (available at
. This research brief was written by Kate Giglio.
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challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world. RAND’s publications do not necessarily refl ect the opinions of its
research clients and sponsors.
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